August 12 - Due to a rise in the number of insurance claims being repudiated
by insurance companies over the right type of driving permits, an underwriting
agency has produced a unique information booklet that explains Professional
Driving Permits.
In many cases where claims were repudiated, the insurance companies claimed
that the drivers involved in the accidents were not holders of Professional
Driving Permits.
In order to solve this recurring problem, the information brochure was
created by Factory and Industrial Risk Managers Ltd. and distributed to
insurance brokers.
"Insurance brokers are experiencing a number of repudiations of claims from
insurance companies based on the fact that drivers involved in incidents do not
hold valid Professional Driving Permits (PDP)", said the Director of Factory and
Industrial Risk Managers, Brian Muller.
"This is probably the most widely used reason for claims repudiation by
insurance companies who specialize in the heavy commercial vehicle and passenger
transport market and hence Factory and Industrial has attempted to assist
brokers who are advising their clients by way of this brief information
brochure," he said.
The brochure in question examines the different categories of PDP's, before
examining how to apply for one, what disqualifies a driver from obtaining a
Professional Driving Permit and, most importantly, how to check if a PDP is
required by a driver.
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