31 July - Residents in Alaksa, the most remote state in the USA and certainly not the brightest in general (the weather, naturally, not the residents who obviously have to be very very smart to stay living out there) are the targets of an insurance scam allegedly traced back to South Africa.
This type of insurance fraud preys upon stupidity and greed, two things the majority of the world's population possess in abundance. It works like the Nigerian scam that most of us with email are familiar with, but it is far more straightforward and elegant - very South African one might say.
Whereas the Nigerian swindle is dark, complicated, looks for huge scores, and has a sinister angle to it - much like the people who came up with the idea in the first place, the SA insurance scam works in a simple way:
Alaskans receive a letter in the mail with a check attached from State Farm Insurance, one of the largest US insurance companies. The check looks genuine and is for for $4,500. The Alaskan reads the letter, which informs the recipient that the money is for a lottery win.
They are told to deposit the check but to please send $2,800 via Western Union account to cover the administration fees for processing the winnings. This account has been traced back to South Africa, although in all fairness to us it's probably being run by Nigerians who have moved here.
Alaskan law enforcement has placed warnings throughout the local media warning people that this is a scam. That can only mean that at least a few people have fallen for it. All we can say is that if you sent $2,800 to a complete stranger in the hope of making a quick $1,700 profit in a lottery that you don't remember entering, maybe you deserve to be swindled...
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