June 3 - The Minister for Health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi promised South
Africans that the government is working around the clock to establish the
National Health Insurance scheme.
He said that many believe that the NHI is "just the release of a document",
however it actually involves extensive preparation of the South African health
care system.
"The reengineering of the Health Care System is vital," he said.
Dr. Motsoaledi admitted that the present health care system could not support
any type of NHI scheme.
"I know that at face value, problems in the health system are said to be
existing only in the public sector and the private sector must be left alone to
some wayward phenomena called market forces, even though these market forces
dismally failed to stop or more appropriately caused the most recent global
economic collapse," he said.
He said that there were many reasons why the current system does not work: It
is poorly managed, the quality of care is low and there are low resources
available to the public sector. As such, the system is unsustainable,
destructive, costly and curative in nature.
Three Streams
Motsoaledi said there will be three streams of healthcare in the
re-engineered system. The first would be the deployment of a team of five
medical specialists to every district, made up of an obstetrician, a
paediatrician, a family physician, a midwife and a nurse.
The second stream would be the development of a school health programme,
while the third would be a a ward based PHC model, with ten fully trained PHC
workers on every ward.
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