January 14 - As the excitement leading up to the World Cup in South Africa
this year mounts, many are taking a slightly more practical view to the event
and are warning establishments of possible worst case scenarios, to ensure that
they maintain sufficient cover.
Risk management is hugely important for the South African leisure industry to
protect itself against loss and even litigation in the case of mass epidemics
breaking out this year.
Riette Fern, speaking for Alexander Forbes Risk Services, said that thousands
of people from high risk countries would be visiting South Africa during World
Cup season, and the spread of diseases such as meningitis, Congo Fever, yellow
fever and hepatitis was a possibility.
"Businesses, governments and especially the leisure industry need risk
management plans that address the consequences of pandemics or even normal
disease spread," said Fern.
Cancellation due to pandemics - or even the fear of a pandemic - seems to be
the biggest risk faced by the leisure industry this year.
Fern says that to meet the challenges face the industry, as well as
governments, there are several types of cover that should be examined.
One type of cover deals with general business interruption by providing
compensation in case of mass cancellation due to events that happen elsewhere.
Fern presents the scenario of several cases of an illness breaking out in a
number of hotels, and as result, mass cancellation of bookings take place in
many other hotels.
"Even though nothing happened at your hotel, the South African Special Risks
Insurance Association (SASRIA) will not compensate your for your cancellations,"
she said.
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