August 24 - Dialdirect has decided to reward safe drivers with an innovative cash-back scheme whereby motorists who do not file a claim for the first four years of coverage qualify for a bucks back bonus. It shows yet again why Dial Direct continues to lead the way in the insurance industry in South Africa.
There are are a lot of cash bonus programs available from most insurance providers these days, but independent research has shown that South Africans feel that the Bucks Back Bonus is the best of the lot. Perhaps it's because it is easy to understand and works in a way that is fair and admirable. After all, good driving should be rewarded - why should the many be forced to pay for the few who constantly file claims?
If you have a clean record with Dial Direct you get a sweet cash bonus after 4 years have elapsed. Basically it is a 25% payback or your entire first year of premiums, whichever is the lesser of the two.
Your first 12 months of premiums given back to you as cash in your pocket, now that is a bonus plan we can really endorse and support!
The next time you are tempted by OUTsurance, or consider going with an anachronistic insurance provider that uses brokers and offers no cash back at all, why not first compare them with the Bucks Back Bonus. We think you'll agree that they cannot stack up, and that you're better off choosing Dial Direct for your insurance coverage.
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