Car insurance policyholders may wonder why their premiums for their vehicle insurance always seem to go up, and certainly never come down. The reasons are not what you might think as hijacking and serious accidents are not the leading causes for rising car insurance premiums.
The biggest factor that causes car insurance premiums in this country to rise is the increasing cost of vehicle repairs. Those minor accidents to ultra-modern and technologically sophisticated cars lead to stratospheric bills and these costs, which have to be absorbed by the insurance companies, lead to those high premiums.
For anyone in South Africa who has had the misfortune to deal with a panelbeater, especially one that is authorized to work on a specific model of car (which means that your insurer will only pay out your claim if you take it to them, or someone who is authorized in the same way), it is no surprise that their costs outpace the rate of inflation. They know that they can charge whatever they like, and they generally get away with it.
The best advice we can give you is to deal with a reputable insurance company that is well known for offering low car insurance rates. A company like Dial Direct is usually at the top of the list for cheap vehicle insurance in South Africa, with other companies like OUTsurance and 1st For Women not far behind.
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