July 29 - A worrying phenomenon has been noted in South Africa, especially in
the KwaZulu-Natal region, of insurance fraudsters targeting AIDS victims by
taking out life insurance policies in their name and cashing in on their deaths.
A particularly gruesome case of insurance fraud was brought to light
this week of a syndicate that targeted a twelve year old boy who is suffering
from AIDS/HIV. The child, whose parents have both died, was taken in by the
neighbors to be cared for.
Eastern Cape life insurance investigators became suspicious when they saw
that no less than 30 insurance policies had been taken out in the child's name,
mostly by people who had no insurable interest in the boy. South African law
dictates that only certain people may take out life insurance against someone
else, and most certainly not shebeen owners against a 12 year old AIDS victim,
as was seen in this particular case!
If they had been successful, the insurance fraud syndicate would have managed
to earn up to R250,000 in payouts on the child's death.
Another case that was published recently was that of a social worker who
rounded up the names of 75 AIDS/HIV patients in her community and took out life
insurance policies in their names. What is more disturbing is that the woman had
managed to defraud the insurance companies successfully in 34 of the cases
before she was caught.
Investigators say that the KwaZulu-Natal area is particularly prone to
insurance fraud because of the rural nature of the area and the poverty of its
The Chief Executive Officer of the Life Officers' Association, Gerhard
Joubert said: "Not only is it much more difficult for life companies to verify
and investigate claims in these areas, but in addition, funeral and entry level
policy sales volumes are also the highest in these provinces."
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